【同义词辨析】 2018-07-19 缺少meager-sparse

meager: implies the absence of elements, qualities or numbers necessary to a thing's richness, substance, or potency: a ~ portion of meat.

scant: stresses insufficiency in amount, quantity, or extent: supplies too ~ to last the winter.

scanty: suggests a falling short of what is desired or desirable RATHER than of what is essential: accorded the guests ~ welcome.

skimp: usually suggests niggardliness and penury as the cause of the deficiency: tacky house developments on ~ lots. (tacky: of low quality or taste质量差品位差,如tacky clothes难看的衣服) (niggardly==penurious吝啬: spending or giving the smallest amount possible: gave his wife a niggardly household allowance给他妻子生活费少得可怜)

exiguous: implies a marked deficiency in number or measure that makes the thing described compare unfavorably with others of its kind: tried to function and thrive despite ~ resources.

spare: may suggest a slight falling short of adequacy OR merely an absence of superfluity: a ~, concise style of writing.

sparse: implies a thin scattering of units: a ~ population.

meager稀薄: 缺少元素特点数量不丰富充实有力(substance重要有价值),scant不足: 强调数量或范围不足,scanty也是不足: 表示不够理想而不是本质缺失(失去本质导致根本改变即毁灭,如本质属性),skimpy吝惜: 指小气吝啬导致的不足,exiguous匮乏: 数量明显不足,和同类比不利,spare节约: 稍微不足或仅是不过量,sparse稀疏: 形容成员分散分布(thin scattering of units)

记忆方法: 1)首字母ME SSSSS:ME想成SSSSS想成Shao<==我缺少智信仁勇严,当不了将军 (孙子<始计第一>: 将者,智信仁勇严也)

            2缺少的意思是比正常必要的或希望mean falling short of what is normal, necessary, or desirable.